The COVID-19 pandemic has changed drastically the way we live. Elderly people living in nursing homes ("EHPAD" in France), their families and the professionals working there were particularly impacted by this crisis. In this context, it seemed essential to keep record of their experiences by collecting their testimonies as soon as possible (in order to not repeat the problem of the lack of data collected during the 2003 heat wave crisis). This is why the French National Platform for End-of-life Research is coordinating since the beginning of April 2020 a qualitative multicenter study to observe and analyze in real time the consequences of the pandemic in these institutions.
In six regions of France (Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Grand Est, Hauts de France, Ile-de-France and Bretagne), researchers in human and social sciences conducted interviews with EHPAD professionals and, when possible, with residents and their families. These interviews help to understand the experiences and feelings towards confinement, end of life and death during the first wave of COVID-19 in France.
The analysis enlightens the impact of the situation on their perception of end of life and death. The aim of this research is to assess the diversity of situations and to show how professionals and residents tried to cope with this crisis and its consequences.
Coordinator of the COVIDEHPAD study
See COVIDEHPAD study on the World Pandemic Research Network
French National Platform for End-of-life Research (Bourgogne Franche-Comté University - UBFC)
- Besançon University Hospital Center (CHU)
- French National solidarity fund for autonomy (CNSA)
- French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI)
- French National Centrer for Scientific Research (CNRS)
- Société Française d’Accompagnement et de Soins Palliatifs (SFAP)
- Société Française de Gériatrie et de Gérontologie (SFGG)
- Conseil National Professionnel (CNP) de Gériatrie
- Association des Directeurs au service des Personnes Âgées (AD-PA)
- Comité analyse, recherche et expertise (CARE) Covid-19
COVIDEHPAD research group
French National Platform for End-of-life research
Régis AUBRY, Physician, co-chair of the Plateform
Elodie CRETIN, philosopher, director of the Plateform
Laboratories and researchers involved in the study , by region of investigation :
Centre Max Weber - UMR 5283
Saint-Étienne University
Gaëlle CLAVANDIER, anthropologist, associate professor
Camille Idjouadiene, anthropologist, master student
Laure BOURDIER, sociologist, research engineer
PACTE, laboratoire de sciences sociales
Grenoble Alpes University
Cherry SCHRECKER, sociologist, professor
Pauline LAUNAY, sociologist, post-doctoral researcher
Elizabeth MORILLE, sociologist, master student
Centre d’investigation clinique (CIC 1431 INSERM)
Besançon University Hospital
Aline CHASSAGNE, socio-anthropologist, researcher
Florence MATHIEU-NICOT, psychologist, researcher
Hélène TRIMAILLE, sociologist, researcher
Simon CALLA, sociologist, researcher
Justine GROSPERRIN, sociologist, PhD student
Laboratoire d’études et de recherche en sociologie (LABERS) - EA 3149
University of Bretagne Occidentale
Françoise LE BORGNE UGUEN, sociologist, professor
Clément DESBRUYERES, sociologist, PhD student
Laboratoire Lorrain de Sciences Sociales (2L2S)
University of Lorraine
Elodie FORNEZZO, sociologist, PhD student
Laurena TOUPET, sociologist, PhD student
Frédéric BALARD, sociologist, associate professor
Hauts de France
Centre de Recherches « Individus, Épreuves, Sociétés » (CeRIES) - ULR 3589
Lille University
Michel CASTRA, sociologist, professor
Vincent CARADEC, sociologist, professor
Germain BONNEL, sociologist, PhD student
Noémie GILLOT, sociologist, master student
Esther SANSONE, sociologist, master student
Laboratoire Sciences, Philosophie, Histoire (SPHERE) - UMR 7219
Paris University
Mathilde LANCELOT, philosopher, associate professor
Maria Christina MURANO, philosopher, post-doctoral researcher
Scientific Committee
Régis AUBRY, physician
Associate professor of palliative medicine
Head of the Autonomy and Disability Unit
Besançon University Hospital
Clinical investigation center (CIC 1431 INSERM)
Integrative and Clinical Neurosciences Laboratory - EA 481
University of Franche-Comté
Member of the National Consultative Ethics Committee (CCNE)
Co-Chair of the French National Platform for End-of-life Research
Patrick BAUDRY, sociologist
Professor of sociology at Bordeaux Montaigne University
Associate researcher at Laboratoire d’anthropologie des institutions et des organisations sociales (LAIOS) CNRS - EHESS
Director of Maison des sciences de l’homme (MSH) d’Aquitaine
Elodie CRETIN, philosopher
Director of the French National Platform for End-of-life Research
Researcher in human and social sciences
Clinical investigation center (CIC 1431 INSERM) - CHU of Besançon
Associate researcher at Logiques de l'Agir laboratory - EA 2274
University of Franche-Comté
Laurent CALVEL, physician
Associate Professor of Palliative Medicine
Head of the Accompaniment, Support and Palliative Care Service (SASP) at the University Hospitals of Strasbourg
President of the Collège national des enseignants pour la formation universitaire de soins palliatifs (CNEFUSP) of the Société française d'accompagnement et de soins palliatifs (SFAP)
Clinical investigation center (CIC 1431 INSERM) - Besançon University Hospital
Integrative and clinical neurosciences laboratory EA 481 - University of Franche-Comté
Marie GAILLE, philosopher
Research Director CNRS - SPHERE Laboratory - UMR 7219 CNRS - University of Paris Diderot
Deputy Scientific Director at the Institute of Human and Social Sciences (ISHS)
Co-Chair of the French National Platform for End-of-life Research
Adrien EVIN, physician
Head of clinic, hospital assistant specialist - Palliative care and support service, Nantes University Hospital
Clémence GUILLERMAIN, PhD student in philosophy of sciences
SPHERE Laboratory - UMR 7219 CNRS - University of Paris Diderot
Sophie PENNEC, demographer
Research Director at the National Institute of Demographic Studies (INED) - Adjunct associate professor at The Australian National University (ANU)
Thomas TANNOU, physician
Geriatrics Department of the University Hospital of Besançon - Clinical investigation center (CIC 1431 INSERM) - Laboratory of Integrative and Clinical Neurosciences EA481, University of Franche-Comté
Emmanuelle CAMBOIS, demographer
Research Director at the Institut national d'études démographiques (INED), member of the Mortality, Health, Epidemiology and Economic Demography research units and co-director of the Ageing and old age division - Director of the Institute of Longevity, Ageing and Aging (ILVV)
Jean-Marie ROBINE, demographer, gerontologist
Research Director at INSERM - Research Center for Medicine, Science, Mental Health and Society (Cermes3) - Molecular mechanisms in neurodegenerative dementia laboratory - UMR-S 1198 - Director of studies at the École pratique des hautes études (EPHE) - Associate researcher at the National Institute of Demographic Studies (INED)